Change directory in terminal using python

大憨熊 提交于 2019-11-29 07:05:21

If you want the directory change to remain even after the program has exited. You can end the python script with os.system("/bin/bash"), this will leave you in bash shell inside the new directory.

import os
if __name__ == '__main__':

For the need raised in your comment "I use this directory frequently and instead of doind cd <path> every time I open the terminal, I just write ./progname and it changes the directory"
I would suggest using bash alias which will change directory:

bash:~$ alias mycd='cd /home/name/projects/python'

and use this alias in bash shell in order to change the directory:

bash:~$ mycd

You can add this alias to your .bashrc - which will allow you to use this alias every time.

import os
os.system('cd /home/name/projects/python')

This answer is exactly the same as the accepted in that it solves the problem, which adds no value, but goes about it a little differently. I think this answer maybe adds value in explanation and alternate implementation. You can decide.

Okay, sorry for yelling.

You should just edit your .bash_profile file. It's really simple. Touch creates the file, and then open functionally opens it. In your terminal:

touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile

This opens Text Edit. Create your shortcut like this, I put it at the end of my file:

alias cdd="cd ~/frequent/my-directory"

Then run this to update your .bash_profile file. (Or close and reopen the terminal, whatever you like.)

source ~/.bash_profile

Now, you just run your aforementioned shortcut:

Macbook-Spen:~ spen$ cdd

And this switches your directory, with many less key strokes!

Macbook-Spen:my-directory spen$ 

