Taking Screenshots from iOS app - emulating Display recorder (query on the internals)

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-11-29 05:07:06
Victor Ronin

What is exactly the problem with "get the flow of creating and transferring surface"? Can you post the code which are using and point out which line doesn't work.

For the jailbroken devices:

Go to /Application/XCode/Content/Developer/Platforms and grep it for the sentence "Cannot call CreateUIScreenImage() while the app is in background". You will find it in some framework (I assume UIKit). Next, you can disassemble it and you will find some entitlement which is required to do screenshots in the background.

And you can look here how to use entitlements with ldid for jailbroken device: iOS How to use Entitlement.plist to specify property of my app
