Parse Cloud Code retrieving a user with objectId

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-11-29 04:31:56

Quick cloud code example using promises. I've got some documentation in there I hope you can follow. If you need more help let me know.

Parse.Cloud.define("getUserId", function(request, response) 
    //Example where an objectId is passed to a cloud function.
    var id = request.params.objectId;

    //When getUser(id) is called a promise is returned. Notice the .then this means that once the promise is fulfilled it will continue. See getUser() function below.
        //When the promise is fulfilled function(user) fires, and now we have our USER!


function getUser(userId)
    var userQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
    userQuery.equalTo("objectId", userId);

    //Here you aren't directly returning a user, but you are returning a function that will sometime in the future return a user. This is considered a promise.
    return userQuery.first
        success: function(userRetrieved)
            //When the success method fires and you return userRetrieved you fulfill the above promise, and the userRetrieved continues up the chain.
            return userRetrieved;
        error: function(error)
            return error;

The problem with this is that Parse queries are asynchronous. That means that it will return user (null) before the query has time to execute. Whatever you want to do with the user needs to be put inside of the success. Hopefully my explanation helps you understand why it's undefined.

Look into Promises. It's a nicer way of calling something after you get the result from the first query.
