Cucumber HTML report with Protractor

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-11-29 01:35:32

With the latest version of protractor (from version 1.5.0), you can now generate a JSON report. When I asked this question about 7 months ago that feature was not there.

All you need to do is add this to your protractor-config.json file.

resultJsonOutputFile: 'report.json'

Where report.json is the location of the output file.

Once you have that, you can use protractor-cucumber-junit (, cucumberjs-junitxml ( or something similar to transform the JSON file into a valid XML file that Jenkins can display.

$ cat report.json | ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-junit > report.xml

Hope this helps.

You can use cucumber-html-report to convert a json report to HTML. Add cucumber-html-report to your project with

$ npm install cucumber-html-report --save-dev

If you use protractor you can add the following code to hooks.js to

  • Take a browser screenshot after each failed scenario to be attached to the json report in the After-hook.
  • Write the test results to a json-file even if your cucumber opts format property says 'pretty'.
  • Convert the json report to HTML, including screenshots for failed scenarios.

var outputDir = 'someDir';
this.After(function(scenario, callback) {
  if (scenario.isFailed()) {
    browser.takeScreenshot().then(function(base64png) {
      var decodedImage = new Buffer(base64png, 'base64').toString('binary');
      scenario.attach(decodedImage, 'image/png');
    }, function(err) {
  } else {

var createHtmlReport = function(sourceJson) {
  var CucumberHtmlReport = require('cucumber-html-report');
  var report = new CucumberHtmlReport({
    source: sourceJson, // source json
    dest: outputDir // target directory (will create if not exists)

var JsonFormatter = Cucumber.Listener.JsonFormatter();
JsonFormatter.log = function(string) {
  if (!fs.existsSync(outputDir)) {

  var targetJson = outputDir + 'cucumber_report.json';
  fs.writeFile(targetJson, string, function(err) {
    if (err) {
      console.log('Failed to save cucumber test results to json file.');
    } else {


When using cucumber-html-report in the way the other answer indicates, you may run into issues on newer versions of Cucumber/Protractor/Cucumber-html-report.

The symptom is that the index.html is created but left empty at the end of a test run.

This is because cucumber-html-report is using an asynchronous file write and protractor is not waiting for it to complete. (We were using code which bears a striking resemblance to the code in the answer.)

This is a working setup:

in hooks.js keep the screen shot part the same from the other answer:

// Generate a screenshot at the end of each scenario (if failed; configurable to always)
cuke.After(function(scenario, done) {
    browser.getProcessedConfig().then(config => {
        if (!config.screenshots.onErrorOnly || scenario.isFailed()) {
            return browser.driver.takeScreenshot().then(function(png) {
                let decodedImage = new Buffer(png.replace(/^data:image\/(png|gif|jpeg);base64,/, ''), 'base64');
                scenario.attach(decodedImage, 'image/png');
        } else {

in protractor.conf.js:

var cucumberReportDirectory = 'protractor-report';
var jsonReportFile = cucumberReportDirectory + '/cucumber_report.json';

exports.config = {
  cucumberOpts: {
    format: 'json:./' + jsonReportFile,
  onCleanUp: function () {
      var CucumberHtmlReport = require('cucumber-html-report');

      return CucumberHtmlReport.create({
          source: jsonReportFile,
          dest: cucumberReportDirectory,
          title: 'OptiRoute - Protractor Test Run',
          component: new Date().toString()
  ignoreUncaughtExceptions: true,
  untrackOutstandingTimeouts: true

This is only the configuration directly related to cucumber-html-report the rest is seasoned to taste.

Make sure the report directory exists before you run the tests.

By putting the report creation here instead of attaching it as a Cucumber listener, Cucumber will wait for the asynchronous operation to complete before exiting.

Thank you to the Ola for the original answer, I discovered the async issue (the hard way) and was thinking I could save someone time when they find the same issue.

Try below code which is working for me:

You can use below plugin :

In package.json add below dependency as below:

   "cucumber-html-reporter": "^5.0.0"

hit command as below:

npm install

Add below import in your cucumberconfig.ts

import * as reporter from "cucumber-html-reporter"

Now add below key in cucumberconfig.ts

 onComplete: () => {
      //var reporter = require('cucumber-html-reporter');
      var options = {
        theme: 'bootstrap',
        jsonFile: './cucumberreport.json',
        output: './cucumberreportsss.html',
        reportSuiteAsScenarios: true,
        launchReport: true,
        metadata: {
            "App Version":"0.3.2",
            "Test Environment": "STAGING",
            "Browser": "Chrome  54.0.2840.98",
            "Platform": "Windows 10",
            "Parallel": "Scenarios",
            "Executed": "Remote"


Complete file is look like below:

import {Config} from 'protractor'
import * as reporter from "cucumber-html-reporter"

export let config: Config = {
     // set to "custom" instead of cucumber.
    framework: 'custom',
    // path relative to the current config file
    frameworkPath: require.resolve('protractor-cucumber-framework'),
    seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
    // To run script without cucumber use below
    //specs: ['typescriptscript.js'],

    onComplete: () => {
      //var reporter = require('cucumber-html-reporter');
      var options = {
        theme: 'bootstrap',
        jsonFile: './cucumberreport.json',
        output: './cucumberreportsss.html',
        reportSuiteAsScenarios: true,
        launchReport: true,
        metadata: {
            "App Version":"0.3.2",
            "Test Environment": "STAGING",
            "Browser": "Chrome  54.0.2840.98",
            "Platform": "Windows 10",
            "Parallel": "Scenarios",
            "Executed": "Remote"

    capabilities: {
        'browserName': 'firefox',
        'marionette': true,
        //shardTestFiles: true,
    specs: [
        '../Features/*.feature' // accepts a glob
    // Run feature file for cucumber use below
    cucumberOpts: {
        // require step definitions
        require: [
          './stepDefination/*.js' // accepts a glob
        format: 'json:cucumberreport.json',


      jasmineNodeOpts: {
        showColors: true,


To append failed screenshot use below code in hook

  After(function(scenarioResult) {
    let self = this;
    if (scenarioResult.result.status === Status.FAILED) {
    return browser.takeScreenshot()
    .then(function (screenshot) {
        const decodedImage = new Buffer(screenshot.replace(/^data:image\/png;base64,/, ''), 'base64');
        self.attach(decodedImage, 'image/png');