I have a project where I need to display djvu schemas in browser.
I found this old library on Github which, as far as I understood, converts djvu files to bmp and then puts them into canvas element.
As I said, library is old(last commit was 5 years ago), so I need to make some corrections. Main problem is that lib uses obsolete BlobBuilder.
Steps I made to solve this problem:
- Decompress this library via Chrome DevTools
- Initial error is at line 3774
var c = "undefined" != typeof MozBlobBuilder ? MozBlobBuilder : "undefined" != typeof WebKitBlobBuilder ? WebKitBlobBuilder : console.log("warning: cannot build blobs")
- I commented out this line
- Next, I commented out line
c = new c;
and some of following lines too.
So, now it looks this way(variable I is array buffer, and ololo1 and ololo2 are some kind of offset and limit)
var c = new Blob(new Uint8Array(new Uint8Array(I,ololo1,ololo2)))
, b = b.createObjectURL(c)
, c = document.getElementById(kb)
, f = c.getContext("2d")
, h = new Image
, g = a[Ea >> 2]
, i = a[Fa >> 2]
, j = c.width
, k = Math.round(i * j / g);
h.onload = function()
var a = g / j;
4 < a && (a = 4);
1 > a && (a = 1);
f.globalAlpha = 1;
for (N = 0; N < a; N++)
f.drawImage(h, N, N, g - a + N, i - a + N, 0, 0, j, k),
f.globalAlpha *= 1 - 1 / a;
R(h.complete, "Image /bmp.bmp could not be decoded")
h.onerror = function(errorMsg, url, lineNumber, column, errorObj) {
console.log(errorMsg, url, lineNumber, column, errorObj);
console.log("Image /bmp.bmp could not be decoded!")
And now I stuck at error "Image /bmp.bmp could not be decoded!"(throwed in h.onerror handler).
So, my question is: what I am doing wrong?
I don't know why the author did wrap his Uint8Array
in an new one... note that I don't really know either the deprecated BlobBuilder API, but one typo I can see in your code is that you need to wrap your TypedArray in a normal Array:
new Blob([new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset, length)]);
The Blob constructor takes a blobParts sequence as first parameter, and then searches for BufferSource, USVStrings and Blob elements in this sequence. So when you pass a TypedArray, it will actually iterate over all the entries of this TypedArray and treat these as USVString (and thus convert their numerical value to UTF-8 strings in the Blob). That's rarely what you want, so better always pass an Array in this constructor.
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(32);
new Blob([buffer]);
so the Uint8Array should be
new Blob([new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]).buffer]);