Why use scala's cake pattern rather than abstract fields?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-11-28 22:51:46

Traits with self-type annotation is far more composable than old-fasioned beans with field injection, which you probably had in mind in your second snippet.

Let's look how you will instansiate this trait:

val productionTwitter = new TwitterClientComponent with TwitterUI with FSTwitterCache with TwitterConnection

If you need to test this trait you probably write:

val testTwitter = new TwitterClientComponent with TwitterUI with FSTwitterCache with MockConnection

Hmm, a little DRY violation. Let's improve.

trait TwitterSetup extends TwitterClientComponent with TwitterUI with FSTwitterCache
val productionTwitter = new TwitterSetup with TwitterConnection
val testTwitter = new TwitterSetup with MockConnection

Furthermore if you have a dependency between services in your component (say UI depends on TwitterService) they will be resolved automatically by the compiler.

Think about what happens if TwitterService uses TwitterLocalCache. It would be a lot easier if TwitterService self-typed to TwitterLocalCache because TwitterService has no access to the val localCache you've declared. The Cake pattern (and self-typing) allows for us to inject in a much more universal and flexible manner (among other things, of course).

I was unsure how the actual wiring would work, so I've adapted the simple example in the blog entry you linked to using abstract properties like you suggested.

// =======================  
// service interfaces  
trait OnOffDevice {  
  def on: Unit  
  def off: Unit  
trait SensorDevice {  
  def isCoffeePresent: Boolean  

// =======================  
// service implementations  
class Heater extends OnOffDevice {  
  def on = println("heater.on")  
  def off = println("heater.off")  
class PotSensor extends SensorDevice {  
  def isCoffeePresent = true  

// =======================  
// service declaring two dependencies that it wants injected  
// via abstract fields
abstract class Warmer() {
  val sensor: SensorDevice   
  val onOff: OnOffDevice  

  def trigger = {  
    if (sensor.isCoffeePresent) onOff.on  
    else onOff.off  

trait PotSensorMixin {
    val sensor = new PotSensor

trait HeaterMixin {
    val onOff = new Heater  

 val warmer = new Warmer with PotSensorMixin with HeaterMixin

in this simple case it does work (so the technique you suggest is indeed usable).

However, the same blog shows at least other three methods to achieve the same result; I think the choice is mostly about readability and personal preference. In the case of the technique you suggest IMHO the Warmer class communicates poorly its intent to have dependencies injected. Also to wire up the dependencies, I had to create two more traits (PotSensorMixin and HeaterMixin), but maybe you had a better way in mind to do it.

In this example I think there is no big difference. Self-types can potentially bring more clarity in cases when a trait declares several abstract values, like

trait ThreadPool {
  val minThreads: Int
  val maxThreads: Int

Then instead of depending on several abstract values you just declare dependency on a ThreadPool. Self-types (as used in Cake pattern) for me are just a way to declare several abstract members at once, giving those a convenient name.
