I would like to understand how convertAndSendToUser works in Spring SockJS+Websocket framework.
In client, we would connect as
stompClient.connect(login, password, callback())
which will result in connect request with "Stomp credentials" of login and password, that can be seen e.g. if we handle SessionConnectEvent http://www.sergialmar.com/2014/03/detect-websocket-connects-and-disconnects-in-spring-4/
But it remains unclear to me whether this will be the "user" meant in server-side send operation to a queue:
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(username, "/queue/reply", message);
The closest I can get is to read this thread Sending message to specific user on Spring Websocket, answer by Thanh Nguyen Van, but it is still unclear.
Basically what I need to do, is to subscribe some clients to same topic, but on server, send them different data. Client may supply user identifier.
I have been trying to understand websockets and came across this question. Was thoroughly disappointed not to find an answer. Here's something for future reader.
I will assume the reader has a basic understanding of spring websockets using Stomp. Terms like subscription, destination prefixes, topics, socket configuration file etc. are understood.
We know we can send messages to client from a stomp server using the topic prefixes that he is subscribed to e.g. /topic/hello
. We also know we can send messages to a specific user because spring provides the convertAndSendToUser(username, destination, message)
API. It accepts a String username which means if we somehow have a unique username for every connection, we should be able to send messages to specific users subscribed to a topic.
What's less understood is, where does this username come from ?
This username is part of a java.security.Principal
interface. Each StompHeaderAccessor
or WebSocketSession
object has instance of this principal and you can get the user name from it. However, as per my experiments, it is not generated automatically. It has to be generated manually by the server for every session.
To use this interface first you need to implement it.
class StompPrincipal implements Principal {
String name
StompPrincipal(String name) {
this.name = name
String getName() {
return name
Then you can generate a unique StompPrincipal
for every connection by overriding the DefaultHandshakeHandler. You can use any logic to generate the username. Here is one potential logic which uses UUID :
class CustomHandshakeHandler extends DefaultHandshakeHandler {
// Custom class for storing principal
protected Principal determineUser(ServerHttpRequest request,
WebSocketHandler wsHandler,
Map<String, Object> attributes) {
// Generate principal with UUID as name
return new StompPrincipal(UUID.randomUUID().toString())
Lastly, you need to configure your websockets to use your custom handshake handler.
void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry stompEndpointRegistry) {
.addEndpoint("/stomp") // Set websocket endpoint to connect to
.setHandshakeHandler(new CustomHandshakeHandler()) // Set custom handshake handler
.withSockJS() // Add Sock JS support
That's It. Now your server is configured to generate a unique principal name for every connection. It will pass that principal as part of StomHeaderAccessor
objects that you can access through connection event listeners, MessageMapping functions etc...
From event listeners :
void handleSessionConnectedEvent(SessionConnectedEvent event) {
// Get Accessor
StompHeaderAccessor sha = StompHeaderAccessor.wrap(event.getMessage())
From Message Mapped APIs
protected void hello(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor sha, Map message) {
// sha available in params
One last note about using convertAndSendToUser(...)
. When sending messages to a user, you will use something like this
convertAndSendToUser(sha.session.principal.name, '/topic/hello', message)
However, for subscribing the client, you will use
client.subscribe('/user/topic/hello', callback)
If you subscribe the client to /topic/hello
you will only receive broadcasted messages.
I did not do any specific configuration and I can just do this:
protected void hello(Principal principal, Map message) {
String username = principal.getName();