I want to link to google maps at a particular location with a marker on a particular point.
It's easy to link to a location:
But how do I drop a marker at that point too? preferably with a bit of my own text but that's just a bonus.
2017 - Google has released documentation on this see new accepted answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44477650/359135
In May 2017 Google launched the official Google Maps URLs documentation. The Google Maps URLs introduces universal cross-platform syntax that you can use in your applications.
Have a look at the following document:
You can use URLs in search, directions, map and street view modes.
For example, to show the marker at specified position you can use the following URL:
For further details please read aforementioned documentation.
You can also file feature requests for this API in Google issue tracker.
Hope this helps!
This format works, but it doesn't seem to be an official way of doing so
Also you may want to take a look at this. They have a few answers and seem to indicate that this is the new method:
If you want to include a zoom level, you can use this format:
will redirect to this link (per 2017.09.21)
This URL format worked like a charm:
Example for Mount Everest:
Full reference here:
If working with Basic4Android and looking for an easy fix to the problem, try this it works both Google maps and Openstreet even though OSM creates a bit of a messy result and thanx to [yndolok] for the google marker
GooglemRute="https://www.google.co.ls/maps/dir/"&[FrmLatt]&","&[FrmLong]&"/"&[ToLatt]&","&[FrmLong]&"/@"&[ScreenX]&","&[ScreenY]&",14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!4m1!3e0?hl=en" 'route ?hl=en