Parallel.For not to use my main thread

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-28 12:49:53

Is there some way to make sure that anything in Parallel.For always run on separate thread so that main thread is always free.

Parallel.For will always block until everything is finished - so even if it didn't do anything on the original thread, the thread still wouldn't be "free".

If you want to keep the main thread "free" you might want to look into async and await - you could use Task.Run to start the 10 tasks in an async method, and then await the result of calling Task.WhenAll.

Alternatively, you could still use Parallel.For but do that in a task. For example:

Task task = Task.Run(() => Parallel.For(0, 10, i =>
    Console.WriteLine("Output ->>>>>>> {0} ", 

You could then await that task. The "main thread" of the task will probably be used in the Parallel.For loop, but that's okay because it's still not your original main thread, if you see what I mean.
