Multiple forms of same type - Symfony 2

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-28 09:58:13
// your form type
class myType extends AbstractType
   private $name = 'default_name';
   //builder and so on
   public function getName(){
       return $this->name;

   public function setName($name){
       $this->name = $name;

   // or alternativ you can set it via constructor (warning this is only a guess)

  public function __constructor($formname)
      $this->name = $formname;


// you controller

$entity  = new Entity();
$request = $this->getRequest();

$formType = new myType(); 
// or new myType('foobar'); if you set it in the constructor

$form    = $this->createForm($formtype, $entity);

now you should be able to set a different id for each instance of the form you crate.. this should result in <input type="text" id="foobar_field_0" name="foobar[field]" required="required> and so on.

I would use a static to create the name

// your form type

    class myType extends AbstractType
        private static $count = 0;
        private $suffix;
        public function __construct() {
            $this->suffix = self::$count++;
        public function getName() {
            return 'your_form_'.$this->suffix;

Then you can create as many as you want without having to set the name everytime.

EDIT: Do not do that! See this instead:

In Symfony 3.0:

class MyCustomFormType extends AbstractType
    private $formCount;

    public function __construct()
        $this->formCount = 0;

    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        // Build your form...

    public function getBlockPrefix()
        return parent::getBlockPrefix().'_'.$this->formCount;

Now the first instance of the form on the page will have "my_custom_form_0" as its name (same for fields' names and IDs), the second one "my_custom_form_1", ...

create a single dynamic name :

const NAME = "your_name";

public function getName()
    return self::NAME . '_' . uniqid();

your name is always single
