How does Robot's getPixelColor(int x, int y) method work?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-11-28 05:09:02


How exactly does the method getPixelColor(int x,int y) from the Robot class work? I tried this code fragment:

     Robot robos = new Robot();
catch (AWTException e) 


for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    robos.getPixelColor(0, 0);


on my PC, which is a core 2 duo, and it took one second or less to execute the print statement. However, when I ran this same code on my laptop, which is a core i3, it took much more time (about 2-3 seconds).

What is the reason behind this? Does it have to do with the screen quality or something like that? How can I solve this problem?


how can i solve this problem?

Don't use the Robot to get the colors pixel by pixel. Use the Robot the create a BufferedImage of the screen. Then you can use the getRGB() method of the BufferedImage to get the int value that represents the color of the pixel. You can then create a Color Object using this int or parse out the red/green/blue values directly.

