How to use custom validators of

故事扮演 提交于 2019-11-28 03:18:36


From the documentation

Add custom validators to be run. Validators should be functions that receive the jQuery element as an argument and return a truthy or falsy value based on the validity of the input.

Object structure is: {foo: function($el) { return true || false } }

Adding the validator to an input is done just like the others, data-foo="bar".

You must also add default error messages for any custom validators via the errors option.

I don't quite understand how to define my own custom validator and how to use it with this plugin.

Could anyone give me a simple example or hint?


You need to call your plugin manually, as custom options will not work with data-attributes:

    custom: {
        'odd': function($el) { return Boolean($el.val() % 2);}

then use it like this:

<input placeholder="plz enter odd value" data-odd>

Don't forget to add error messages, see code


I wanted to flesh out the answers here with a bit more detail.

I was attempting to do this while using the data-api (putting data-toggle="validator" in the form tag). Removing that from my <form> tag and enabling it with Javascript, my custom function works:

    custom: {
        'odd': function($el) { return Boolean($el.val() % 2);}
    errors: {
        odd: "That's not an odd number!"

I also had to add a value to the data-odd attribute thusly:

<div class="row">
    <div class="form-group col-xs-12 col-md-12">
        <label class="control-label" for="test">Odd/Even:</label>
        <input type="text" name="test" id="test" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter an odd integer" data-odd="odd" >
        <span class="help-block with-errors"></span>

Interesting to note that if I add the following to the <input> element, it takes precedence over the error message declared in javascript:

data-odd-error="Not an odd number, yo!"

However, I get an error in console if I only use the data-odd-error attribute but NO error message specified in Javascript. Thus, you must declare an error message in Javascript.


First of all add your own custom validator, for example:

var validatorOptions = {
        delay: 100,
        custom: {
            unique: function ($el) {
                var newDevice = $el.val().trim();
                return isUniqueDevice(newDevice)
        errors: {
            unique: "This Device is already exist"

Second, you need to "bind" the form input for the custom validator, for example:

<input id="add_new_device_input"  class="form-control"  data-unique="unique">

If you want to add to this input more validators error you must to add the custom error to the input: data-unique-error="This device is already exist" for example:

<input id="add_new_device_input"  class="form-control"  data-unique="unique" data-unique-error="This device is already exist" data-error="The Device pattern is invalid" pattern="<Add some regex pattern here>">

The "data-error" is the default validator error and it called "native" key, the following code will demonstrate how the validator print the error messages according to the validator key:

   function getErrorMessage(key) {
  return $ + '-error')
    || $'error')
    || key == 'native' && $el[0].validationMessage
    || options.errors[key]

