VBA - How to start a selection halfway through the text in a table

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-11-28 02:26:00

Use a (temporary) bookmark to note where you want to restart. Do not try to rely on the Start and End properties. Those are not reliable.

When Find could end up in a table and the found term will continue to exist in that position, searching from that point onwards to the end (or beginning) of the document will automatically include the entire row. You can see this as a user if you click in a cell then hold Shift and press right-arrow until the selection moves beyond the table.

In such a situation you need to test whether the found Range is in a table. If it is, you need to continue the Find loop cell-by-cell until the found Range is no longer in a table.

The following code demonstrates the principle. It uses a Range object, not Selection, as that's easier and more predictable to control. It's also very simplified in order to concentrate on the principle of looping a table cell-by-cell which can be a bit mind-boggling. (The Debug.Print is just in there for keeping track while testing.)

Whether the Find is successful is stored in the boolean variable bFound. In the case of success the found Range is tested for being in a table. (Note that you could also use rngFind.Information(wdWithinTable).) If it is, the Range is collapsed so that the found term is "outside" it, then the Range extended to the end of the cell.

Find is repeated in the loop until no more "hits" are found in that cell. The Range is then moved to the next cell and Find repeated until the found Range is no longer in a table. Then Find reverts to the "normal" process, in a loop, until no more instances of the search term are found.

Sub FindLoopThroughTables()
    Dim sFindTerm As String
    Dim doc As Word.Document
    Dim rngFind As Word.Range
    Dim cel As Word.Cell
    Dim bFound As Boolean

    Set doc = ActiveDocument
    Set rngFind = doc.content
    rngFind.Find.wrap = wdFindStop
    sFindTerm = "the"

    bFound = rngFind.Find.Execute(sFindTerm)
    Do While bFound
            Debug.Print rngFind.Start
            If rngFind.Tables.Count > 0 Then
                Do While bFound And rngFind.Tables.Count > 0
                    Set cel = rngFind.Cells(1)
                    rngFind.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
                    rngFind.End = cel.Range.End - 1
                    bFound = rngFind.Find.Execute(sFindTerm)
                    If bFound Then
                        Debug.Print rngFind.Start & "in table"
                        rngFind.MoveStart wdCell, 1
                        Set cel = rngFind.Cells(1)
                        rngFind.End = cel.Range.End
                        bFound = rngFind.Find.Execute(sFindTerm)
                   End If
                rngFind.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
                rngFind.End = doc.content.End
                bFound = rngFind.Find.Execute(sFindTerm)
            End If
End Sub