I have a main window and it has a button. When I press the main window button, it will open sub-window. In sub window, I have a text box and when I enter the text and click the add button in sub-window, the text should display on the main window. How do I achieve this? Thanks in advance.
You can create parameterized constructor of MainWindow class and pass value of Textbox from subwindow to main window and in MainWindow you can set content to that label. Here is the implementation MainWindow.xmal.cs
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow ()
public MainWindow (string text) : this()
label.Content = text;
private void button_Click (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Window1 win1 = new Window1();
Here is the code for subWindow i.e. Window1.xaml.cs
public partial class Window1 : Window
private string text;
public Window1 ()
private void button_Click (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
text = textBox.Text;
MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow(text);
I would add an event to your 'dialog' subwindow which the MainWindow can subscribe to as it instantiates it.
DialogWindow: (subwindow):
public class DialogInputEventArgs : EventArgs
public string Input { get; set; }
public partial class DialogWindow : Window
public event EventHandler<DialogInputEventArgs> InputChanged = delegate { };
private void SubmitInputButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
InputChanged(this, new DialogInputEventArgs() { Input = this._inputTextBox.Text });
private void ShowDialogButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DialogWindow dw = new DialogWindow();
dw.InputChanged += OnDialogInputChanged;
private void OnDialogInputChanged(object sender, DialogInputEventArgs e)
// update the MainWindow somehow using e.Input (the text submitted in dialog)
If you need this mechanism for multiple windows I would go with something more generic, like a messagebus or observerpattern thing.
You can simply modify the constructor of the second window :
public partial class Window1 : Window
string text;
public Window1 (string _text)
this.text = _text;
I'd suggest you to use CaliburnMicro framwework to achieve easier and better communication between your controls (assuming you are using MVVM pattern). You don't have to implement all features of CaliburnMicro, just EventAggregator to manage sending and handling messages between your controls.