Stripped shadows on collada objects

不问归期 提交于 2019-11-28 01:59:18

You are getting self-shadowing because the rays of the directional light are exactly parallel to some of the faces of your geometry. Move the directional light to a slightly different location. For example,

directionalLight.position.set( 250, 500, 200 );

Usually, light.shadow.bias is used to remedy self-shadowing problems, but it is not going to be effective when the light ray and face are parallel, as in your case.

Also, set shadow.bias to be negative to help alleviate artifacts on other faces.

directionalLight.shadow.bias = - 0.01;

This unfortunately will result, as it usually does, in another artifact: "Peter Panning".

These kinds of trade-offs are common. You are just going to have to find an acceptable compromise. (Maybe set the bias based on camera position.)

three.js r.75
