
What kind of serialization uses PHP function session_set_save_handler's write function?

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-24 01:25:19
问题 I make use of session_set_save_handler(). It works fine. However, sometimes I need to alter user's session data. I simply expected that the session data passed to write function are internally created like this: serialize($_SESSION); But they are not. They have this slightly different format than simple PHP serialized data: user|a:24:{s:2:"id";s:2:"12";s:5:"email";s:19:...CUT...;}last_activity_time|i:1310535031;logged_everywhere|b:1; Anybody knows what kind of serialization is internally used

PDO prepare silently fails

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-07 01:46:44
问题 I'm experimenting with PHP's session_set_save_handler and I'd like to use a PDO connection to store session data. I have this function as a callback for write actions: function _write($id, $data) { logger('_WRITE ' . $id . ' ' . $data); try { $access = time(); $sql = 'REPLACE INTO sessions SET id=:id, access=:access, data=:data'; logger('This is the last line in this function that appears in the log.'); $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->prepare($sql); logger('This never gets logged! :('); $stmt-

PDO prepare silently fails

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-05 05:08:21
I'm experimenting with PHP's session_set_save_handler and I'd like to use a PDO connection to store session data. I have this function as a callback for write actions: function _write($id, $data) { logger('_WRITE ' . $id . ' ' . $data); try { $access = time(); $sql = 'REPLACE INTO sessions SET id=:id, access=:access, data=:data'; logger('This is the last line in this function that appears in the log.'); $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->prepare($sql); logger('This never gets logged! :('); $stmt->bindParam(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':access', $access, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam