
How to use Dagger in Java library module in Android Studio?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2021-02-17 01:58:23
问题 I'm using Dagger in a Java library module in an Android Studio project and here's what my build.gradle for the module looks like: apply plugin: 'java-library' dependencies { implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) implementation '' annotationProcessor '' } sourceCompatibility = "7" targetCompatibility = "7" I can see that the Dagger is properly generating implementations and they are present in build/generated

Generate 5 length unique code from natural number

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-01-06 04:02:29
问题 I need to generate a unique code with 5 lengths with the given number. In other words, I need to encode natural number to 5 length unique code I wanna give fixed-length rememberable code to the customer, and keep the sequential number in the database and encode or decode when needed. The given number can be in the range of 1 to 9999999. But the result always must be 5 lengths. for example 1 => a56er or 2 => c7gh4 Uniqueness is important I googled a lot and I can't find a solution. 回答1: The

Generate 5 length unique code from natural number

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-01-06 04:01:07
问题 I need to generate a unique code with 5 lengths with the given number. In other words, I need to encode natural number to 5 length unique code I wanna give fixed-length rememberable code to the customer, and keep the sequential number in the database and encode or decode when needed. The given number can be in the range of 1 to 9999999. But the result always must be 5 lengths. for example 1 => a56er or 2 => c7gh4 Uniqueness is important I googled a lot and I can't find a solution. 回答1: The

C#: Does ResumeLayout(true) do the same as ResumeLayout(false) + PerformLayout()?

寵の児 提交于 2020-05-12 11:34:30
问题 I have looked at the generated designer code of Form s and UserControl s, and in the InitializeComponent() method they always start with this.SuspendLayout(); and end with this.ResumeLayout(false); this.PerformLayout(); But from what I can see in the msdn documentation of those methods, wouldn't ending with this.ResumeLayout(true); // Or just this.ResumeLayout() do the exact same thing? Or am I missing something here? Asking because I will be adding a bunch of controls in a different method,

ASP.NET how to resolve CS1513: } expected error on page

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-01-13 07:57:09
问题 I am getting an error at run time when viewing my ASP.NET page in the browser. I am not getting any build errors however I am getting the following compiler error at runtime: Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: CS1513: } expected Source Error: Line 329: #line hidden Line 330: __output.Write("\r

Sonarqube - Why does java generated lines of code not get populated?

余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-05 09:24:11
问题 I am learning to use Sonarqube 4.3.2 for my Maven based Java projects. I have things working pretty well, but cannot get the Generated Lines and Generated Lines of Code metrics to populate. I would love this metric to track how much code out of the total a vendor actually has to manually code vs. generated code we provide via code generation. It would also help to see the various issues/statistics in general broken out by generated code vs. manual code. At first I thought perhaps Sonarqube

Visual Studio generate code from UML diagrams?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-01-04 02:06:57
问题 I'm doing research on producing code from UML diagram using Visual Studio 2015. From what I have done, I have created Use case, Activity, Sequence and Class diagram before generating the code. When I generate the code, I see that Visual Studio only takes my class diagram to be referred to when it generates the code. So my question, is it true that Visual Studio will only refer to the class diagram when generating the code? If not, which means that the way I'm doing the other diagram is wrong

Code generator for dart

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-23 19:05:19
问题 I need to do mapper between dart and JS object. I don't like to write "unncessary' code so I would like DartEditor wrote it for me :) What i would like to write: DartInvoice extends jsw.TypedProxy { @Parser(attributName="invoice") String number; @Parser(attributName=amount) Number sum; } What i would like to achieve: DartInvoice extends jsw.TypedProxy { set number(String number) => toJs.set('invoice' : number); String number => toJs.get(invoice); set sum(Number sum) => toJs.set('amount' : sum

Problems by import of a multiple modules maven 2 project into eclipse workspace

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-22 11:11:09
问题 I was wondering if someone has experienced the same problem as me and can help me. I have a maven project which contains 6 modules. Some of modules are depending on each other. The project is written in Java and builds to jars, wars and aar. I've been trying to import it to Eclipse with the m2eclipse plug-in. It seems to work fine until the project builds. During the build process I get hundreds of errors complaining about missing Java files which are generated. As I found out eclipse can't

Purpose of proxyProvide in Dagger 2 generated code

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-21 07:39:24
问题 I have this Dagger module. I want to understand the generated code so I can verify that my Dagger configuration is optimal. @Module public class TypefaceModule { @Provides @Singleton @Named("Roboto Light") static Typeface provideRobotoLight(AssetManager assets) { return Typeface.createFromAsset(assets, "fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf"); } } Here's the generated code (Dagger 2.14.1): public final class TypefaceModule_ProvideRobotoLightFactory implements Factory<Typeface> { private final Provider