
Stripped shadows on collada objects

不问归期 提交于 2019-11-28 01:59:18
I have a scene with two collada objects and a directional light. The first collada is pretty much a plane, and the second one is made of multiple boxes. It appears that when the scene is rendered, some "side" shadows are really stripped, although the shadows casted on ground are pretty well rendered. . As I was searching for an answer, I figured out it might be a problem with my collada, so I added a basic cube to the scene (the big one above all), but it seems it has the same problem. Does anyone have a tip or know this problem already? I'm using the last three.js revision atm (r71), tested

Stripped shadows on collada objects

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-11-26 22:04:29
问题 I have a scene with two collada objects and a directional light. The first collada is pretty much a plane, and the second one is made of multiple boxes. It appears that when the scene is rendered, some "side" shadows are really stripped, although the shadows casted on ground are pretty well rendered. . As I was searching for an answer, I figured out it might be a problem with my collada, so I added a basic cube to the scene (the big one above all), but it seems it has the same problem. Does