I would like to extract all keys in second level of 2d dictionary but python interpreter return NameError. my expected result is ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']
>>> adict
defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {'b': {'aaa': 444, 'ccc': 666, 'bbb': 555}, 'a': {'aa': 111, 'cc': 333, 'bb': 222}})
>>> all = [ele for ele in adict[ww].keys() for ww in ['a', 'b']]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'ww' is not defined
You're close. You just need to re-order your loops:
all = [ele for ww in ['a', 'b'] for ele in adict[ww] ]
To understand why, think about how you'd write a normal for
all = []
for ww in ['a', 'b']:
for ele in adict[ww]:
Notice the order of the loops remains the same. Also, I've dropped the .keys()
, it isn't necessary because iteration on a dict
by default happens over the keys.
You can also be awesome like Jon Clements and do this:
In [265]: set().union(*adict.values())
Out[265]: {'aa', 'aaa', 'bb', 'bbb', 'cc', 'ccc'}
returns a list of inner dictionaries, whose keys are unpacked and then added to a set. Some pointers:
Order not guaranteed (even on python3.6)
Duplicates are dropped
adict = {'b': {'aaa': 444, 'ccc': 666, 'bbb': 555}, 'a': {'aa': 111, 'cc': 333, 'bb': 222}}
[key for nested_dict_key, nested_dict_value in adict.iteritems() for key, value in nested_dict_value.iteritems()]