Why do I need to call twice the Set on my size limited MemoryCache when I hit the size limit?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-02-07 19:08:36


We are about to use the built-in in-memory cache solution of ASP.NET Core to cache aside external system responses. (We may shift from in-memory to IDistributedCache later.)
We want to use the Mircosoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory's IMemoryCache as the MSDN suggests.

We need to limit the size of the cache because by default it is unbounded.
So, I have created the following POC application to play with it a bit before integrating it into our project.

My custom MemoryCache in order to specify size limit

public interface IThrottledCache
    IMemoryCache Cache { get; }

public class ThrottledCache: IThrottledCache
    private readonly MemoryCache cache;

    public ThrottledCache()
        cache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions
            SizeLimit = 2

    public IMemoryCache Cache => cache;

Registering this implementation as a singleton

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IThrottledCache>(new ThrottledCache());

I've created a really simple controller to play with this cache.

The sandbox controller for playing with MemoryCache

public class MemoryController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IMemoryCache cache;
    public MemoryController(IThrottledCache cacheSource)
        this.cache = cacheSource.Cache;

    public IActionResult Get(string id)
        if (cache.TryGetValue(id, out var cachedEntry))
            return Ok(cachedEntry);
            var options = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions { Size = 1, SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1) };
            cache.Set(id, $"{id} - cached", options);
            return Ok(id);

As you can see my /api/memory/{id} endpoint can work in two modes:

  • Retrieve data from cache
  • Store data into cache

I have observed the following strange behaviour:

  1. GET /api/memory/first
    1.1) Returns first
    1.2) Cache entries: first
  2. GET /api/memory/first
    2.1) Returns first - cached
    2.2) Cache entries: first
  3. GET /api/memory/second
    3.1) Returns second
    3.2) Cache entries: first, second
  4. GET /api/memory/second
    4.1) Returns second - cached
    4.2) Cache entries: first, second
  5. GET /api/memory/third
    5.1) Returns third
    5.2) Cache entries: first, second
  6. GET /api/memory/third
    6.1) Returns third
    6.2) Cache entries: second, third
  7. GET /api/memory/third
    7.1) Returns third - cached
    7.2) Cache entries: second, third

As you can see at the 5th endpoint call is where I hit the limit. So my expectation would be the following:

  • Cache eviction policy removes the first oldest entry
  • Cache stores the third as the newest

But this desired behaviour only happens at the 6th call.

So, my question is why do I have to call twice the Set in order to put new data into the MemoryCache when the size limit has reached?

EDIT: Adding timing related information as well

During testing the whole request flow / chain took around 15 seconds or even less.

Even if I change the SlidingExpiration to 1 hour the behaviour remains exactly the same.


I downloaded, built and debugged the unit tests in Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory; there seems to be no test that seems that truly covers this case.

The cause is: as soon as you try to add an item which would make the cache go over capacity, MemoryCache triggers a compaction in the background. This will evict the oldest (MRU) cache entries up until a certain difference. In this case, it tries to remove a total size of 1 of cache items, in your case "first", because that was accessed last.

However, since this compact cycle runs in the background, and the code in the SetEntry() method is already on the code path for a full cache, it continues without adding the item to the cache.

The next time it tries to, it succeeds.


class Program
    private static MemoryCache _cache;
    private static MemoryCacheEntryOptions _options;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        _cache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions
            SizeLimit = 2

        _options = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions
            Size = 1
        _options.PostEvictionCallbacks.Add(new PostEvictionCallbackRegistration
            EvictionCallback = (key, value, reason, state) =>
                if (reason == EvictionReason.Capacity)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Evicting '{key}' for capacity");
        Console.WriteLine(TestCache("third")); // starts compaction


        Console.WriteLine(TestCache("third")); // now from cache

    private static object TestCache(string id)
        if (_cache.TryGetValue(id, out var cachedEntry))
            return cachedEntry;

        _cache.Set(id, $"{id} - cached", _options);
        return id;

