Spring BadCredentials Event not firing

好久不见. 提交于 2021-02-07 11:49:13


I want to log if a user tries to authenticate with wrong credentials. Therefore i have added this event listener class to my project:

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.security.authentication.event.AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class AuthenticationFailureListener
        implements ApplicationListener<AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent>{

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

    public void onApplicationEvent(AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent event) {

Problem is it does not work at all. I use Spring Security default login page. The page shows "bad credentials" error when using wrong credentials, but my method above does not get called. I have very similar code for a success event listener, which works wonderfully:

public class AuthenticationSuccessListener implements
        ApplicationListener<InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent> {

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

    @Autowired private UserService users;

    public void onApplicationEvent(InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent event) {
        User user = users.get(event.getAuthentication().getName());
        boolean isAdmin = user.getRole().equals(User.ROLE_ADMIN);
        logger.info((isAdmin ? "Admin" : "User") + " with id " + user.getIdLink()
                + " has successfully logged in!");

Here is my Spring Security Java Configuration:

public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter{

    private CustomUserDetailsService userDetailsService;

    public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
        return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();

    public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

I have no clue whats going on here, help appreciated a lot!

Spring version: 4.0.9
Spring Security version: 3.2.5 (also tried 4.0.1)


Okay, i set log level to DEBUG for Spring, but nothing. I searched for every occurance of "Listener" and the log states that instances of AuthenticationFailureListener as well as AuthenticationSuccessListeners have been created without any error.

I even put the log into diff tool (after replacing all times & censoring) and compared with a code version where FailureListener code is commented out, but didn't find something. You can search it yourself if you want to:
On the bottom of the page you will find the plain log text on the left side.

Edit2: Partly Solved

Serges solution helped, here is my complete implementation of the onAuthenticationFailure method:

public void onAuthenticationFailure(
        HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        AuthenticationException exception) throws IOException, ServletException {

    if (exception instanceof BadCredentialsException) {
        String name = request.getParameter("username");
        String password = request.getParameter("password");
        Authentication auth =
                new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(name, password);
                new AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent(auth, exception));
    super.onAuthenticationFailure(request, response, exception);


That is by design.

Javadoc for AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter is clear on that :

Event Publication :

If authentication is successful, an InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent will be published via the application context. No events will be published if authentication was unsuccessful, because this would generally be recorded via an AuthenticationManager-specific application event.

(emphasize mine)

If you want to send explicitely an event for authentication failures, you could use a custom AuthenticationFailureHandler extending SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler that would send the event and call base class onAuthenticationFailure method.

public class EventSendingAuthenticationFailureHandler
        extends SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler,
        implements ApplicationEventPublisherAware {

    protected ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher;

    public void setApplicationEventPublisher(ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher) {
        this.eventPublisher = eventPublisher;

    void onAuthenticationFailure(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
                       AuthenticationException exception)
                         throws IOException,
                                javax.servlet.ServletException {
        // use eventPublisher to publish the event according to exception
        super.onAuthenticationFailure(request, response, exception);

You should be able to configure it that way :

AuthenticationFailureHandler eventAuthenticationFailureHandler() {
    return new EventSendingAuthenticationFailureHandler();

AuthenticationFailureHandler eventAuthenticationFailureHandler;

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {


I got this working in a different way.

public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter{

    // Inject applicationEventPublisher
    private ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher;

    private CustomUserDetailsService userDetailsService;

    public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
        return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();

    public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
            // configure a auth event publisher
            .authenticationEventPublisher(new DefaultAuthenticationEventPublisher(applicationEventPublisher))

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

With these changes, my event listener was able to receive auth failure events. This is with spring-security 4.0.2.RELEASE and spring-boot 1.2.5.RELEASE

Hope it helps.


The LoggerListener works fine with Spring Security 3.2.8. See Grepcode for source code.

Your adpoted code:

public class AuthenticationSuccessListener implements ApplicationListener<AbstractAuthenticationEvent> {

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

    private UserService users;

    public void onApplicationEvent(AbstractAuthenticationEvent event) {

        if (event instanceof InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent) {

            User user = users.get(event.getAuthentication().getName());
            boolean isAdmin = user.getRole().equals(User.ROLE_ADMIN);
            logger.info((isAdmin ? "Admin" : "User") + " with id " + user.getIdLink() + " has successfully logged in!");

