I have a server that has an application that runs with PHP 5.6. But I upgraded the server from Ubuntu 14.04 to 18.04 and in the process I also upgraded PHP to 7.2. Now I'm trying to uninstall it but I'm finding difficult.
I have run the command:
sudo apt-get remove php
sudo apt-get remove --purge php
Its says that PHP it's not installed, but running
php --version
I'm still seeing the version 7 of PHP.
PHP 7.2.19-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 (cli) (built: Aug 12 2019 19:34:28) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.2.19-0ubuntu0.18.04.2, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies
This will remove all php7 versions, be it php 7.0 or php 7.1 etc..
sudo apt-get purge php7.*
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get autoremove
apt/apt-get autoclean
→ cleans obsolete deb-packages, less thanclean
apt/apt-get autoremove
→ removes orphaned packages which are not longer needed from the system, but not purges them, use the--purge
option together with the command for that.
**To Install PHP again **
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
if php7.0
sudo apt-get install php7.0
if php7.1
sudo apt-get install php7.1
if php7.2
sudo apt-get install php7.2
To switch that to the newer 7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4 version, first disable older PHP version:
user@test:~# sudo a2dismod php7.0
Then enable PHP 7.2:
user@test:~# sudo a2enmod php7.2
sudo service apache2 restart
Firstly you need to restart the apache to take all in effect and also You can install mutliple php version using this post or just using
sudo apt update
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y php5.6 php5.6-cli php5.6-common
disable php7.2:
sudo a2dismod php7.2
enable php 5.6:
sudo a2enmod php5.6
After all restart the apache again to take into affect
service apache2 restart
This is work on my server:
sudo apt purge php5.6 php5.6-common
sudo apt purge php7.x php7.x-common
This will remove PHP
sudo apt-get purge `dpkg -l | grep php7.2| awk '{print $2}' |tr "\n" " "`
sudo apt-get purge php7.*
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge
whereis php
sudo rm -rf /etc/php