I have 2 rows in my loop.
I have 2 issues:
The JavaScript appears to be executing on each iteration; however, it is only populating the first table row data with the result.
I'm having to hard code the JSON object (for now) in the script, but ideally want to use a dynamic JSON string from my model data. Though whenever I try to reference it (
), the JavaScript fails and the inspect/console in the browser shows that it is referencing the string and finding invalid tokens. Instead of"
it is finding"e;
. (I assume this is an HTML representation of the string?) How can I convert that to a true JavaScript object? I've tried:var obj = JSON.parse('@(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(@item.requestExample))');
var obj = dataString.replace(/"/g, '"');
both with no luck because as soon as the
is referenced in the JavaScript, it is finds the invalid tokens and throws the flag.
Here is my complete loop in the mvc view:
@foreach (var item in Model.list)
<tr class="table-info">
<td> <pre id="uglyPretty"></pre> </td>
var pretty = document.getElementById("uglyPretty");
var obj = { "success": 1, "resultMessage": "Success", "list": [{ "custNo": "101", "firstName": "First Name: 101", "lastName": "Last Name: 101", "address1": "Address1: 101", "address2": "Address2: 101", "city": "City: 101", "state": "10", "zip": "101", "routing": "101", "accountNo": "101" }, { "custNo": "102", "firstName": "First Name: 102", "lastName": "Last Name: 102", "address1": "Address1: 102", "address2": "Address2: 102", "city": "City: 102", "state": "10", "zip": "102", "routing": "102", "accountNo": "102" }] };
document.getElementById("uglyPretty").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(obj, undefined, 2);
<button typeof="button" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action(item.api, "", new { api = item.api, jsonRequest = item.requestExample } )'">Consume API</button>
It looks to me like you are just trying to display some JSON from your model item into a table cell, right? And the issue is that the JSON is not formatted so you are trying to pretty-print it?
If that is the case, you are making this much harder than it needs to be.
Don't try to convert the JSON to a Javascript object just to reformat it; instead use a C# method to do the reformatting. As your question is tagged with json.net I'm assuming you have Json.NET installed in your project. If so, you can replace all that clumsy script code with this:
So the full loop would look like this:
@foreach (var item in Model.list)
<tr class="table-info">
<button typeof="button" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action(item.api, "", new { api = item.api, jsonRequest = item.requestExample } )'">Consume API</button>