Using Windows command line (not powershell), I want to hash all files within the directory and then remove files that match a particular hash set contained within a text file.
I've considered using md5deep, but I'm unsure if the output of matched files can then be redirected into a delete command.
Any help gratefully received, thank you!
To add some detail; the files are in a directory called 'images'
md5deep.exe -r -b -x irrelevant_hashes.txt c:\images
This gives me a list of the files that I need to keep. Is it possible to redirect the output from MD5deep to move the 'good' files to another directory?
For a single md5 key in cmd line it is as easy as:
(Here using the 64bit variant).
set "KillMD5=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
for /f "tokens=1*" %A in ('md5deep64.exe *.* 2^>mul') do @if %A==%KillMD5% @Echo del "%B"
For testing the del command is only echoed.
In a batch file double the %
percent signs %%A/%%B
This use pure bath file, take use of CertUtil from windows, so no 3rd software need.
You only need provide the value for 2 variables:
set _nOp=irrelevant_hashes.txt
:: file text with md5 data for files to delete
set "_path_gen=c:\images"
:: path to files that will be delete.
In additional, put the txt file with md5 (in this code case irrelevant_hashes.txt) in the same folder of the files that you want to delete.
For generate a new md5 from files, and usin certUtil
on command line:
type nul >"%temp%\MD5_to_del.txt" & cd /d "c:\images" & for /f "tokens=* delims= " %i in ('^<nul dir /o-d /on /b "c:\images\*.*"') do for /f "tokens=* delims= " %M in ('certutil -hashfile "%i" md5 ^| find /v ":"') do echo/%M>>"%temp%\MD5_to_del.txt"
For generate a new md5 from files, and using certUtil
on a file.bat:
type nul >"%temp%\MD5_to_del.txt" & cd /d "c:\images" & for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%i in ('^<nul dir /o-d /on /b "c:\images\*.*"') do for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%M in ('certutil -hashfile "%%i" md5 ^| find /v ":"') do echo/%%M>>"%temp%\MD5_to_del.txt"
@echo off & setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
cls && mode con cols=120 lines=7 & cd /d "%~dp0"
set "'=^|"
set "_spc= "
set /a _cnt_left= 1 - 1
set /a _cnt_treated= 1 - 1
set /a _cnt_deleted= 1 - 1
set /a _cnt_keeped_= 1 - 1
set _type_hash=md5
set _show=0000000
set "_path_gen=c:\images"
cd /d !_path_gen! || set "_erro=!_path_gen! not exist?"&& goto :_error_:
set _n_deleted=%temp%\md5_not_deleted_.txt
set _y_deleted=%temp%\md5_was_deleted_.txt
if exist "!_n_deleted!" del /q /f "!_n_deleted!"
if exist "!_y_deleted!" del /q /f "!_y_deleted!"
) 2>nul >nul
if exist ".\irrelevant_hashes.txt" (
set _nOp=irrelevant_hashes.txt
) else (
set "_error= File irrelevant_hashes.txt not found"
goto :_error_:
set _hash_data=%temp%\hash_db\date_db.txt
if exist "!_hash_data!" (
del /q /f "!_hash_data!"
copy /y "!_nOp!" "!_hash_data!" 2>nul >nul || set _error=Copy !_nOp! to !_hash_data!
) else (
dir /ad "%temp%\hash_db\" 2>nul >nul | findstr /c:".." || mkdir "%temp%\hash_db"
copy /v "!_nOp!" "!_hash_data!" 2>nul >nul || set _error=Copy !_nOp! to !_hash_data!
for /f "delims= " %%T in ('forFiles /p "." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo(0x09"') do set "_tab=%%T"
call set "_tab=%_tab:~0,1%"
for /f "tokens=* delims=^ " %%i in ('^<nul dir /o-d /on /b "!_path_gen!\*.*" 2^> nul ^| find "" /v /c ') do set _cnt_file=%%i
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%f in ('dir /o-d /on /b "*.*" ^| findstr /i /v "!_nOp! %0" ') do (
for %%S in (cnt_treated cnt_deleted cnt_keeped_ cnt_left) do set _show_%%S=!_show!!_%%S!
set _file=%%~nxf
set "_file_hash=%%~dpnxf"
set /a _cnt_treated=!_cnt_treated! + 1
call :_get_hash_:
title Total files: !_show_cnt_treated:~-5! ^| Delete: !_show_cnt_deleted:~-5! ^| Keeped: !_show_cnt_keeped_:~-5! ^| File left: !_show_cnt_left:~-5!
if exist "!_n_deleted!" copy /y "!_n_deleted!" .
if exist "!_y_deleted!" del /y "!_y_deleted!" .
) 2>nul >nul
echo/ Total file treated: !_show_cnt_treated:~-5!
echo/ Total file deleted: !_show_cnt_deleted:~-5!
echo/ Total file keeped: !_show_cnt_keeped_:~-5!
goto :_end_of_file_:
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%i in ('certutil -hashfile "!_file_hash!" !_type_hash! ^| find /v ":"') do (
set "_hash=%%i"
call set "_hash=!_hash: =!"
call set _hash=!_hash!
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%I in ('echo/%_tab%') do call set _file_hash=!_hash:%%I=!
call set _hash=!_hash!
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%e in ('type "!_hash_data!" ^| findstr /i /l /c:"!_hash!"') do set _hash_db=%%e
if "!_hash_db!" equ "" set "_hash_db=- So, no found^!! not "
echo/ & echo/ File hash md5 from: "!_file!" & echo/
echo/!_spc!Hash !_type_hash!: !_hash!
echo/ Data hash md5 ^(db^): !_hash_db! equals?
call :_delete_md5_:
call set /a _cnt_left=!_cnt_file! - 1 - !_cnt_keeped_!
timeout /t 10 2>nul >nul
for %%C in (file_hash hash strn_hash strn_hash hash_nul hash_db) do set _%%C=
exit /b
if /i "!_hash_db!" equ "!_hash!" del /q /f "!_path_gen!\!_file!"
if not exist "!_path_gen!\!_file!" (
echo/!_file! !_strn_hash!>>"!_y_deleted!"
echo/!_spc!!_spc:~-10!!_hash! "!_file!" file was deleted^^!
call set /a _cnt_file=!_cnt_file! - 1
call set /a _cnt_deleted=!_cnt_deleted! + 1
exit /b
) else (
echo/!_file! !_strn_hash!>>"!_n_deleted!"
echo/!_spc!!_spc:~-10!!_hash! "!_file!" file not was deleted^^!
call set /a _cnt_keeped_=!_cnt_keeped_! + 1
exit /b
echo/ & echo/ & echo/ !_error!
goto :_end_of_file_: