I'm trying to make a currency system with my discord.js bot and mongoose. Here is an example MongoDB document format:
guild: "2095843098435435435",
wallets: [
id: "2323232335354",
amount: 10,
id: "24344343234454",
amount: "i want to update this",
As far as I know, the Array.prototype.push() function is for making a new object inside an array.
But how can I update an existing object inside an array?
My code:
const find = await Account.findOne({
guild: message.guild.id,
if (!find) return message.channel.send("...");
const memberRole = message.guild.members.cache
.find((x) => x.id === message.author.id)
(x) =>
x.name.toLowerCase() === "tournament manager" ||
x.name.toLowerCase() === "events staff" ||
x.name.toLowerCase() === "wallet manager"
if (message.member.hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR") || memberRole) {
if (!args[2]) return message.reply("...");
const mention = message.mentions.users.first();
if (!mention) return message.reply("...");
const account = find.wallets.find((x) => x.id === mention.id);
if (!account) return message.reply("...");
if (!args[3]) return message.reply("...");
if (isNaN(args[3])) return message.channel.send("...");
const update = account.update({
amount: (account.amount += args[3]),
await find.save();
You can use $set
Operator to update your collection something like this will help
db.collection.update({"wallets.id": "24344343234454"},{$set: {
"wallets.$.amount": "This is new_value"
You can read more about $set here.
The $
sign is the positional operator that will hold the position(index) of array item matched in first expression. More about positional operator here.