How to display a pdf document within an iframe by google docs viewer stored in firebase storage?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-01-29 05:45:23


I have an iframe in which I want to put a preview of my pdf document hosted in firebase storage through google docs viewer. I am creating the html view in javascript dynamically and adding it by jquery's ('.someClass').html() method.

I tried to plug in the download url of the document to the iframe directly and it works just fine and displays the preview.

But I can't get it to display the preview through google docs.

What I meant is that this works just fine:

....making  my html on the fly in javascript

myHtml+='<iframe src="'+downloadUrlFirebaseStorage+'" width="100%"   frameborder="0"/>'

....making remaining  rest of my html on the fly in javascript


But this gets me an error:

....making  my html on the fly in javascript

myHtml+='<iframe src="'+downloadUrlFirebaseStorage+'&embedded=true" width="100%"   frameborder="0"/>'

....making remaining  rest of my html on the fly in javascript


The error I get is this:

Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'


I just had to encode the URI and change the '%26' to '&':

var encodedUrl = encodeURIComponent(downloadUrlFirebaseStorage);

....making  my html on the fly in javascript

myHtml+='<iframe src="'+encodedUrl+'&embedded=true" width="100%"   frameborder="0"/>'

....making remaining  rest of my html on the fly in javascript



try this :

<iframe src="" width="400px" height="300px"  />

and go to Link

