Ion Range Slider with HH:mm format From & To not working

风格不统一 提交于 2021-01-29 05:23:00


I am trying to use Ion Range Slider in my project to select working hours. Ex: (08:00-19:00).

    grid: false,
    type: 'double',
    min: moment("0000", "hhmm"),
    max: moment("2359", "hhmm"),
    from: moment("0800", "hhmm"),
    to: moment("1900", "hhmm"),
    force_edges: true,
    drag_interval: true,
    step: 3600000,
    min_interval: 3600000,
    prettify: function (num) {
        return moment(num).format('HH:mm');

When i want to set default working hours using from & to, it doesn't work. Slider works, though, but values are not changing.

What am i missing?


Because you are using hours in milliseconds you need to change the value of moment you are using from an object to its milliseconds value:

min: moment("0000", "hhmm"),   // this is an object and not a number...
max: moment("2359", "hhmm"),
from: moment("0800", "hhmm"),
to: moment("1900", "hhmm"),

Change to (see docs for details):

min: moment("0000", "hhmm").valueOf(),
max: moment("2359", "hhmm").valueOf(),
from: moment("0800", "hhmm").valueOf(),
to: moment("1900", "hhmm").valueOf(),

    grid: false,
    type: 'double',
    min: moment("0000", "hhmm").valueOf(),
    max: moment("2359", "hhmm").valueOf(),
    from: moment("0800", "hhmm").valueOf(),
    to: moment("1900", "hhmm").valueOf(),
    force_edges: true,
    drag_interval: true,
    step: 3600000,
    min_interval: 3600000,
    prettify: function (num) {
        return moment(num).format('HH:mm');
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<input type="text" id="ion" name="example_name" value="" />

