According to OneNote in the Microsoft Graph API (in Preview) it should be possible to retrieve and access notebooks owned by the user and shared by other users (plus O365 group notebooks).
However, executing https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/notes/notebooks just returns my (owned) notebooks (not the shared ones). So maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but how do I list all notebooks that my user has access to (owned as well as shared) using the Graph API?
Sorry for the confusion, OliverL. We've updated the blog post to clarify that the /me endpoint currently only provides access to the OneNote content that’s owned by the current user.
Soon the /me endpoint will also include OneNote content that others have shared with the current user, and then you'll be able to get a list of shared notebooks. But right now, you can only use the /users/<id> or /users/<userPrincipalName> endpoint to access content that another user (specified in the URL) has shared with the current user.
We'll announce the upcoming change in the OneNote Dev Blog when we release it, and make note of it here too. Thanks for your feedback!