I have a NS 4.1 with TS application. In it, I am allowing the user to select an image using nativescript-imagepicker.
If the user chosses to do so, I want to remove the image from the device. I am using the following code:
//files is a list of file locations: e.g./storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_1529637637242.jpg
import * as fs from 'tns-core-modules/file-system';
files.forEach(f => {
let file: fs.File = fs.File.fromPath(f);
if (file)
When code runs, the file is actually deleted, but it is still showing in the library. What do I need to do to remove it from the Library as well?
Currently testing on Android, but will need the same functionality on iOS.
NOTE: If I try to open the file from the library I get a message that the image cannot be displayed and then it disappears from the view. The questions is hoiiw to refresh the library after the file is deleted.
you can trigger media scanner manually for given path. which will reflect the changes. here is the code for android
android.content.Intent mediaScanIntent = new android.content.Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE);
android.net.Uri contentUri = android.net.Uri.fromFile(imageFile);
or you can also do below
android.media.MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(application.android.context, [picturePath], null, callback);