I am looking to have my bot send a message, confirming that it executed the command, and then delete that confirmation message after a timeout; so as not to clutter the chat.
Here is a code sample of my current command I would like to have it applied to:
exports.auth = 1
exports.run = (client, message, args) => {
let num = parseInt(args);
.then(messages => console.log(`Bulk deleted ${num} messages`))
message.channel.send(`Deleted ${num} messages!`);
If I have no time set in the Message.delete(); line, it just deletes the message I sent. If the time is long enough for the bot to send a message, it just gives me an error.
You need to get the message that you sent to delete it.
message.channel.send(`Deleted ${num} messages!`).then(sentMessage => {
This is gonna send the message and after the message was sent it will return it so you can manage it (delete/edit).