Error response from daemon: join session keyring: create session key: disk quota exceeded

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-01-27 21:51:38


I tried installing docker on a server of mine using this tutorial. I want to run docker images remotely and use the portainer web-interface to administrate everything. However, when I get to the point where I need to test my installation and I enter the command $ sudo docker run hello-world, I only get the following error:

docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:424: container init caused \"join session keyring: create session key: disk quota exceeded\"": unknown. ERRO[0000] error waiting for container: context canceled

I tried the following methods:

  • "Install Docker CE / Install using the convenience script"
  • "Install Docker CE / Install using the repository"

This also happens when I try to run other images (eg. portainer). I hope this is enough information. I am new to docker, so I don't know how I should debug it efficiently.


Try to increase maxkeys kernel parameter:

echo 50000 > /proc/sys/kernel/keys/maxkeys



So, as it turns out, I connected to the wrong vServer. The one I was connected to is using LXD (as you might have seen in my previous comment), which doesn't support Docker (at least not the way this guide advises). When I ran the same setup on a vServer using a bare-metal(type 1) hypervisor, it worked without a problem. I think this has to do with automatic storage allocation under LXD, but this is just a guess.

