I have a table using Google Sheets. It has three columns that will always have a null value or a specific value for that column. Each line will have one, two, or three values; it will never have three null values on one line. In the fourth column, I want an ArrayFormula that will combine those values and separate the values with a comma if there is more than one.
Here is a photo of what I am trying to accomplish.
I've tried several ideas so far and this formula is the closest I've gotten so far but it's still not quite working correctly; I think it is treating each column as an array before joining rather than doing the function line by line. I'm using the LEN function rather than A2="" or ISBLANK(A2) because columns A-C are ArrayFormulas as well. I realize this probably isn't the most efficient formula to use but I think it covers every possibility. I'm definitely open to other ideas as well.
$A$2:$A="", "",
(LEN(A2:A)>0 & LEN(B2:B)>0 & LEN(C2:C)>0), TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, A2:A, B2:B, C2:C),
(LEN(A2:A)>0 & LEN(B2:B)>0 & LEN(C2:C)=0), TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, A2:A, B2:B),
(LEN(A2:A)>0 & LEN(B2:B)=0 & LEN(C2:C)>0), TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, A2:A, C2:C),
(LEN(A2:A)=0 & LEN(B2:B)>0 & LEN(C2:C)>0), TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, B2:B, C2:C),
(LEN(A2:A)>0 & LEN(B2:B)=0 & LEN(C2:C)=0), A2:A,
(LEN(A2:A)=0 & LEN(B2:B)>0 & LEN(C2:C)=0), B2:B,
(LEN(A2:A)=0 & LEN(B2:B)=0 & LEN(C2:C)>0), C2:C
Is it possible to achieve this with Google Sheets?
Sample File
Please try:
- The formula will work incorrectly if some names have space inside: like "Aston Martin"
- So if you have spaces, please try this:
CHAR(9)," "))
Noticed the shorter variant (without *COLUMN(A2:C)^0
) will work:
CHAR(9)," "))
- I used an old trick to join strings with an
. See sample file
If you like to understand any tiered formula, the best way is to split it by parts:
Part 1. Filter the data
. this is my way to limit the data range.- The range is open, means it starts from the second row (
) and ends in any row. - I want to get the limited array in this step to reduce work that the formula should do. This is done with a condition,
. ROW(A2:C)
must be less or equal to the max row of data.MAX(IF(LEN(A2:C), some_rows)
gives the max row.If(len..
part checks if a cell has some text inside it.- Note
must be multiplied by columns, becausefilter
formula takes only one row into its condition. That is why I multiply byCOLUMN(A2:C)^0
which is columns with 1s. Edit. Now noticed, that the formula works fine without*COLUMN(A2:C)^0
, so it's an overkill.
Part 2. Join the text
formula has 3 arguments: data, query_text, and a number_of_header_rows.data
is made with a filter.query_text
is empty, which gives us equivalent to select all ("select *"
).And the number of rows of a header is some big number (
). This is a trick: when aquery
has more headers then one row, it will join them with space.After a union is made,
function will convert the result back to the column.
Part 3. Substitute and trim
The function
deletes extra spaces.Then we replace spaces with the delimiter:
", "
. That is why the formula needs to be modified if spaces are in strings. Correct result: "Ford, Aston Martin". Incorrect: "Ford, Aston, Martin". But if we previously replace spaces with some char (char(9)
is Tab), then we do not replace it in this step.