What is this string: Ôªø and how do I avoid it?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-01-27 12:04:00


Somehow I managed to stick Ôªø at the top of a PHP script. What is that horrifying group of characters, how could I have entered it, and how can I expose and/or avoid it in the future?

Anecdotally, it was lurking at the very top of a PHP script, before <?php. The script needed to send a Content-type header. Because Ôªø pushed the header off the top of the file, the server kept sending its own header, and 2 hours of hilarity ensued. I couldn't even see the string in nano or bash. But I redirected a diff and there it was.


That's UTF-8 byte order mark (look for EF BB BF). This is a standard thing and shouldn't cause you problems, but if it does then make sure your source code editor doesn't prepend the file with BOM when saving it.


That's most certainly an encoding error. Most likely, you're saving your script as one format, but uploading it or declaring it as another. I can't offer any further advice because I don't know much about encoding errors or how to fix them. Good luck squashing the bug.

