By default, KO "will only render the template for the new item and will insert it into the existing DOM".
Is there a way to disable this feature (as in, force KO to render all items anew)?
If you use jQuery.tmpl's native {{each koObservableArray()}}
syntax Knockout cant update single items but must rerender the entire template
see more here: http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/template-binding.html
the template engine’s native ‘each’ support: after any change, the template engine is forced to re-render everything because it isn’t aware of KO’s dependency tracking mechanism.
You only get the "default" behavior if you use the foreach template mode, i.e.:
<div data-bind='template: { name: "personTemplate",
foreach: someObservableArrayOfPeople }'> </div>
I came across a similar problem today and was able to solve it for my team's issue by replacing the template with a custom binding that first clears all ko data and empties the container before rendering.
I used a containerless template like so:
<ul data-bind="alwaysRerenderForEach: { name: 'itemTmpl', foreach: items }"></ul>
and the custom binding alwaysRerenderForEach:
ko.bindingHandlers.alwaysRerenderForEach = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor) {
return ko.bindingHandlers.template.init(element, valueAccessor);
update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, context) {
valueAccessor().foreach(); // touch the observable to register dependency
ko.utils.domData.clear(element); // This will cause knockout to "forget" that it knew anything about the items involved in the binding.
ko.utils.emptyDomNode(element); //Because knockout has no memory of this element, it won't know to clear out the old stuff.
return ko.renderTemplateForEach(valueAccessor().name, valueAccessor().foreach, {}, element, context);
Obviously a little late as an answer to your query, but may help others who hit this off a search (as I did).