How do I initialize a jQuery UI datepicker to a date from the querystring?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-01-27 04:51:11


Given this markup:

// Calendar.html?date=1/2/2003
  $(function() { 

<div class="inlinedatepicker" id="calendar"/>

This will display an inline datepicker with very little effort (awesome!). How do I preset the datepicker to the date passed in via the query string?

Note that in this case, I don't have an input box--just a calendar attached to a div.


This should work, though you may run into locale issues (specifically, M/D/Y vs. D/M/Y).

var date = location.match(/(?:\?|&)date=(\d+\/\d+\/\d+)(&|$)/)[1];
$('.inlinedatepicker').datepicker().datepicker("setDate", new Date(date));


I managed to do this with

$('.inlinedatepicker').datepicker().datepicker("setDate", new Date(2011,11,01)); // Date equals December 1, 2011.

I had to subtract one from the month though to get the right date as it seems that date is starting from zero (0 = January)


in addition to @Ben Blank answer you can use defaultDate like this

var date = location.match(/(?:\?|&)date=(\d+\/\d+\/\d+)(&|$)/)[1];
$('.inlinedatepicker').datepicker({defaultDate:new Date(date)});

