What's the simplest way to access the name of the current app within template code?
Alternatively, what's the simplest way to define a template variable to hold the name of the current app?
(The goal here is to minimize the number of places I need to edit if I rename an app.)
There's a way to obtain an app name for a current request.
First, in your project's urls.py, considering your app is called 'main'
url(r'^', include('main.urls', app_name="main")),
Then, a context processsor:
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
def appname(request):
return {'appname': resolve(request.path).app_name}
Don't forget to enable it in your settings:
You can use it in your template like any other variable: {{ appname }}
Since Django 1.5 there is a "resolver_match" attribute on the request object.
This contains the matched url configuration including "app_name", "namespace", etc.
The only caveat is that it is not populated until after the first middleware passthrough, so is not available in process_request functions of middleware. However it is available in middleware process_view, views, and context processors. Also, seems like resolver_match is not populated in error handlers.
Example context processor to make available in all templates:
def resolver_context_processor(request):
return {
'app_name': request.resolver_match.app_name,
'namespace': request.resolver_match.namespace,
'url_name': request.resolver_match.url_name