getting Fetch response data

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-01-15 06:40:47


I'm using the chrome devTools to mirror a webRequest. Looking at the network request, there is some JSON data in the response that I want to get access to

Right click --> Copy as fetch -->

            "content-type":"application/json; charset=UTF-8",
        "body":"contains some body data I want to manipulate",
).then(res => {console.log(res)})

This prints out something like this:

Response {type: "basic", url: "https://url/service.svc?action=FindConversation&ID=-40&AC=1", redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, …}
body: ReadableStream
locked: false
__proto__: ReadableStream
bodyUsed: false
headers: Headers {}
ok: true
redirected: false
status: 200
statusText: "OK"
type: "basic"
url: "https://url/OWA/service.svc?action=FindConversation&ID=-40&AC=1"
__proto__: Response

When I inspect the network request I just made, it looks like it isn't returning any JSON data, but responds with a 200 code. Is that normal?

I either expected it to return JSON data or fail.

Also, where would the JSON response data be in the res?


This is normal behavior. fetch() returns a stream object and not just the body.

Use res.json() to extract the JSON content. For non JSON responses, use res.text()

