I have angular 8 app. Inside this app I have three projects.
I want to add @angular/pwa
with this command
ng add @angular/pwa && ng build --prod
But when PWA is installed I get error
ERROR in ./node_modules/@angular/service-worker/fesm2015/service-worker.js Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Development\Repositories\app\node_modules@angular\service-worker\fesm2015\service-worker.js'
and in CHROME CONSOLE i get
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
at registerNgModuleType (core.js:34469)
at core.js:34487
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at registerNgModuleType (core.js:34483)
at core.js:34487
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at registerNgModuleType (core.js:34483)
at core.js:34487
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at registerNgModuleType (core.js:34483)
Before PWA everything working ok
EDIT: I also try to remove PWA and add it directly to project
ng add @angular/pwa --project app1
And now in my project src
, I get new file manifest.webmanifest
, in the root of project I get ngsw-config.json
, and in project module I get ServiceWorkerModule.register('/ngsw-worker.js', { enabled: environment.production })
But still, get the same error
Here is my folder structure. This is all how angular CLI is added. Do I need to add another file?
I don't have gsw-worker.js
in any of my folders.
Also, when I open ngsw-config.json
for "$schema": "../../node_modules/@angular/service-worker/config/schema.json"
i get
Unable to load schema from c:\Development\Repositories\app\app-frontend\node_modules\@angular\service-worker\config\schema.json': ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'c:\Development\Repositories\app\app-frontend\node_modules\@angular\service-worker\config\schema.json'
But if i look in node_modules
shema.json is there
(root -angular.json, package.json... there is no any manifest.webmanifest and ngsw-config.json)
| |------app
| | |-app.module.ts (here is in imports ServiceWorkerModule.register('ngsw-worker.js', { enabled: environment.production }))
| |
| |-manifest.webmanifest
Mabey in ma app.module.ts (in my project) is the problem because I need to register 'ngsw-worker.js'
but I can not find anywhere this in my app, mabey angular CLI not added this or I don't need this file?
Please be aware that adding PWA is adding this features to one of the existing projects with the command below:
ng add @angular/pwa --project *project-name*
Check the official documentation from angular for more information: https://angular.io/guide/service-worker-getting-started
There might be multiple errors in your application try to add pwa again properly with
ng add @angular/pwa --project *project-name*
and then build it with
ng build --prod
here is the link for your reference - https://angular.io/guide/service-worker-getting-started
Chrome console error
you are getting that error cause u are tying to access id from an object which is not defined for that you need to handle your object properly
for ex- let id = obj.id ? obj.id : '';
Try to fix that error first and then build it. If it doesn't work then remove your node_modules and then install it again and build it.
Hope this helps :)
Few thing before you install pwa to angular project. First you need to update your @angular/cli to make sure you have lastest version
npm i -g @angular/cli
Then run
ng new projectname
Then add pwa to your project
ng add @angular/pwa --project *project-name*
And run
ng build --prod
Steps to make it working...
npm uninstall @angular/pwa
npm cache clean
Random errors§ Some strange issues can be resolved by simply running npm cache clean and trying again. If you are having trouble with npm install, use the -verbose option to see more details.
- after all of this
ng update
This will fix this error. This error happens because some of dependency in package.json is not up-to-date and they make mess with pwa.