The method FB.getLoginStatus can no longer be called from http pages

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-01-02 06:02:07


So I tried to implement Facebook Login feature in my nodejs backend server. For testing purpose, I am trying client side to check the login and get access token. For that, I followed the docs and it says to use Javascript SDK and I followed the procedure, but there is a problem.

window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
      appId            : '##############',
      autoLogAppEvents : true,
      xfbml            : true,
      version          : 'v4.0'

    FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {


This is the code where I want to get the user login status, but I get an error saying:

The method FB.getLoginStatus can no longer be called from http pages

I am very much aware about the production rules, but this is development mode I am working on and still getting the error. Anything I am missing? Anything I have to do? I am running it on localhost and getting the error.


  • If your server runs on localhost (aka on your machine): Use devcert for https on localhost
  • alternatively, use a self signed certificate manually
  • ...or use ngrok, if you want to expose your local server
  • If not on localhost, use a free certificate of Let's Encrypt with certbot:


To solve this problem "The method FB.getLoginStatus can no longer be called from http pages" i used application

and its make https in my browser on localserver via tunneling or sth like that

Windows 10 +wsl(Debian)

  1. Download ngrok

  2. Unzip it to folder

  3. Run cmd and navigate to folder with ngrok

  4. Now You can run :"ngrok http:80" <-assuming that You have apache2 service working

  5. I have my project in different/sub folder of DocumentRoot and i need also do this:


There's an easier fix if using create-react-app: set environment variable HTTPS to true. Cange your start script in package.json:

"scripts": {
  "start": "HTTPS=true react-scripts start",

If already using a custom script, you can also add it there:

process.env.HTTPS = true;

The main advantage of the latter method is that you can add a comment to explain it.

More info on configuration in CRA:


You need an SSL-certificate deployed on your server (i.e. localhost). It will reject anything from an insecure location.

