Multiple ComboBoxes in Tkinter Python

Deadly 提交于 2020-12-26 12:12:21


I'm trying to generate multiple ComboBoxes with values from a "config.ini" file, the config.ini file data is:

priority1 = Normal:farty-blobble-fx.wav:2
priority8 = Reclamacao:buzzy-blop.wav:3
priority3 = Critico:farty-blobble-fx.wav:5
priority2 = Urgente:echo-blip-thing.wav:4

and the goal is turning the sound files names to the select values in the comboboxes.

My code to generate the comboboxes is:

content_data = []
for name, value in parser.items(section_name):
    if name=="name":
        self.note.add(self.tab2, text = value)
        data_prior = value.split(":")
        self.PRIOR_LABEL = Label(self.tab2, text=data_prior[0])
        self.PRIOR_LABEL.grid(row=data_prior[2],column=0,pady=(10, 2),padx=(40,0))

        self.PRIOR_SOUNDS = None
        self.PRIOR_SOUNDS = None
        self.box_value = StringVar()
        self.PRIOR_SOUNDS = Combobox(self.tab2, textvariable=self.box_value,state='readonly',width=35)
        self.PRIOR_SOUNDS['values'] = getSoundsName()
        self.PRIOR_SOUNDS.grid(row=data_prior[2],column=1,pady=(10, 2),padx=(30,0))

        self.PLAY = Button(self.tab2)
        self.PLAY["width"] = 5
        self.PLAY["text"] = "Play"
        self.PLAY["command"] =  lambda:playSound(self.PRIOR_SOUNDS.get())
        self.PLAY.grid(row=data_prior[2], column=3,pady=(10,2),padx=(5,0))

And i was unable to show the current values of the "config.ini" file in the comboboxes. Thank you in advance.


The problem is that you're creating more than one combobox, yet you keep overwriting the variables in each iteration of the loop. At the end of the loop, self.PRIOR_SOUNDS will always point to the last combobox that you created. The same is true for self.box_value, self.PLAY, etc.

The simplest solution is to use an array or dictionary to store all of your variables. A dictionary lets you reference each widget or variable by name; using a list lets you reference them by their ordinal position.

A solution using a dictionary would look something like this:

self.combo_var = {}
self.combo = {}
for name, value in parser.items(section_name):
    self.combo_var[name] = StringVar()
    self.combo[name] = Combobox(..., textvariable = self.combo_var[name])

