Slice element not updated in go

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-12-13 20:59:13


I have an account struct as below:

type Account struct {
    Id       string
    Name     string
    Address  string
    City     string
    Email    string
    Phone    string
    Username string
    Password string
    IsActive bool

I also have two function: find and update. The find function find certain element from the slice and return the pointer to the element:

func find(accounts []Account, username string) *Account {
    for _, acc := range accounts {
        if acc.IsActive && acc.Username == username {
            return &acc
    return nil

The update function change certain field from the params:

func update(account *Account, name string) {
    account.Name = name

In main, i try to find an element from the slice and store it to a pointer of account. Then, i try to update a field in the next line. This is how my main looks like:

func main() {
    accounts := []Account{{
        Id:       "1",
        Name:     "name",
        Address:  "address",
        City:     "city",
        Email:    "",
        Phone:    "123456789",
        Username: "username",
        Password: "1234",
        IsActive: true,
    var acc *Account
    acc = find(accounts, "username")
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", accounts)

    update(acc, "updated")
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", accounts)

The problem is when update called, the element in slice is not updated. It just update the data of stored account. Below is the output of main:

// find
[{1 name address city 123456789 username 1234 true}]
&{1 name address city 123456789 username 1234 true}

// update
[{1 name address city 123456789 username 1234 true}]
&{1 updated address city 123456789 username 1234 true}

How to make the element inside the slice updated when the store element changed? Thank you for your help, any suggestion would be appreciate.


issue is you are returning copy of element rather than actual address of the element in the array

return &acc

change your find function as below

func find(accounts []Account, username string) *Account {
for idx , acc := range accounts {
    if acc.IsActive && acc.Username == username {
        return &accounts[idx]
return nil

your will get the expected response

[{1 name address city 123456789 username 1234 true}]
&{1 name address city 123456789 username 1234 true}
[{1 updated address city 123456789 username 1234 true}]
&{1 updated address city 123456789 username 1234 true}

you can check the updated code here in go playground


in this code,

func find(accounts []Account, username string) *Account {
    for _, acc := range accounts {
        if acc.IsActive && acc.Username == username {
            return &acc
    return nil

Because the slice you are iterating is of type []Account, each acc value you get is a copy of the value stored in the slice. Thus, the acc value you are referencing is not the value stored in your slice.

To prevent that behavior, use a slice of pointer, ie: []*Account.

Refrain from referencing the slice index as demonstrated in this play, you will run into bugs.

