So I'm trying to start on GPU programming and using the Thrust library to simplify things. I have created a test program to work with it and see how it works, however whenever I try to create a thrust::device_vector with non-zero size the program crashes with "Run-time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'result' is being used without being initialized.' (this comes from the allocator_traits.inl file) And... I have no idea how to fix this. The following is all that is needed to cause this error.
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
int main()
int N = 100;
thrust::device_vector<int> d_a(N);
return 0;
I suspect it may be a problem with how the environment is set up so the details on that are... Created using visual studio 2019, in a CUDA 11.0 Runtime project (the example program given when opening this project works fine, however), Thrust version 1.9, and the given GPU is a GTX 970.
This issue only seems to manifest with the thrust version (1.9.x) associated with CUDA 11.0, and only in debug projects on windows/Visual Studio.
Some workarounds would be to switch to building a release project, or just click "Ignore" on the dialogs that appear at runtime. According to my testing this allows ordinary run or debug at that point.
I have not confirmed it, but I believe this issue is fixed in the latest thrust (1.10.x) just released (although not part of any formal CUDA release at this moment, I would expect it to be part of some future CUDA release).
Following the Answer of Robert Crovella, I fixed this issue by changing the corresponding lines of code in the thrust library with the code from GitHub. More precisely, in the file ...\CUDA\v11.1\include\thrust\detail\allocator\allocator_traits.inl I replaced the following function
template<typename Alloc>
__host__ __device__
typename disable_if<
typename allocator_system<Alloc>::type
system(Alloc &)
// return a copy of a default-constructed system
typename allocator_system<Alloc>::type result;
return result;
template<typename Alloc>
__host__ __device__
typename disable_if<
typename allocator_system<Alloc>::type
system(Alloc &)
// return a copy of a default-constructed system
return typename allocator_system<Alloc>::type();