I am new to SQL Server. I am logged into my database through SQL Server Management Studio.
I have a list of stored procedures. How do I view the stored procedure code?
Right clicking on the stored procedure does not have any option like view contents of stored procedure
right click on the stored proc and select script stored procedure as CREATE to New Query Editor Window/Clipboard/File
you can also do Modify when you right click on the name
If you want to more than 1 proc at one time, click on the stored procedures folder, hit F7, with CTRL and click select all the ones that you want and then right click and select script stored procedure as CREATE
I guess this is a better way to view a stored procedure's code:
sp_helptext <name of your sp>
The option is called Modify
This will show you the T-SQL code for your stored procedure in a new query window, with an ALTER PROCEDURE ...
lead-in, so you can easily change or amend your procedure and update it
This is another way of viewing definition of stored procedure
Use query below:-
SELECT object_definition(object_id) as [Proc Definition]
FROM sys.objects
WHERE type='P'
The other answers that recommend using the object explorer and scripting the stored procedure to a new query editor window and the other queries are solid options.
I personally like using the below query to retrieve the stored procedure definition/code in a single row (I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2014, but looks like this should work with SQL Server 2008 and up)
SELECT definition
FROM sys.sql_modules
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('yourSchemaName.yourStoredProcedureName')
More info on sys.sql_modules:
exec sp_helptext 'your_sp_name' -- don't forget the quotes
In management studio by default results come in grid view. If you would like to see it in text view go to:
Query --> Results to --> Results to Text
or CTRL + T and then Execute.
You can view all the objects code stored in the database with this query:
USE [test] --Database Name
sch.name+'.'+ob.name AS [Object],
sys.objects AS ob
LEFT JOIN sys.schemas AS sch ON
sch.schema_id = ob.schema_id
LEFT JOIN sys.sql_modules AS mod ON
mod.object_id = ob.object_id
WHERE mod.definition IS NOT NULL --Selects only objects with the definition (code)
in case you don't have permission to 'modify', like me, you can install a free tool called "SQL Search" (by redgate). I use it to search for keywords that i know will be in the SP and it returns a preview of the SP code with the keywords highlighted.
ingenious! I then copy this code into my own SP or view it in