Whats the proper way to form relative file path/ or file path for the runsettings parameter
In my local environment this works but when i push it to build release agents it fails since its looking for the file in a different directory which is my release folder but instead its looking for this file in what appears to be in a folder directory.
This is the directory its looking at E:\Agent_work\r10\a\xxxxxxxxx.testsettings,
here is my current way i have it set
here is the error message Error: The test settings file E:\Agent_work\r10\a\xxxxxxxxxx.testsettings, specified in the MSTestAdapter settings, is not available. Either access to the file is denied or the file does not exist. Ensure that the test settings file is available and try again.
instead of E:\Agent_work\r10\a_XXXXX CI Build\drop\XXXXX_Automation_Test\bin\Release\xxxxxxxxx.testsettings
There is no documentation that states how to formulate the file path on msdn and didn't see anything online.
I suggest you can add a Copy Files task to copy the missing file from .../bin/release
folder(Use the browse option) to default working directory:
I suggest you resolve this issue via modifying your pipeline instead of settings file, so that you can also work well locally with the unchanged runsettings file.
In addition: Clean Target Folder
input should be disabled(unchecked) cause our target folder is the default working folder. Deleting all files in that folder would cause unexpected issues.