I'm trying to retrieve data out of a legacy database.
The column in the table is defined as a DECIMAL(13,0) containing account numbers.
The column data type cannot be changed as it will have a major impact on the legacy system. Essentially all programs using the table need to be changed and then recompiled which is not an option.
We have a requirement to find all records where the account number contains a value, for example the user could search for 12345 and all accounts with an account number containing 12345 should be returned.
If this was a CHAR/VARCHAR, I would use:
criteriaBuilder.like(root.<String>get(Record_.accountNumber), searchTerm)
As a result of the column defined as DECIMAL(13,0), the accountNumber property is a double.
Is there a way to perform a like on a DECIMAL/double field?
The SQL would be
SELECT * FROM ACCOUNTS WHERE accountNumber LIKE '%12345%'
I have not actually tried this, but I believe it should work
This should generate a query kind of like this:
SELECT * FROM ACCOUNTS WHERE CAST(accountNumber AS text) LIKE '%12345%'