I am using word2vec
, wiki corpus I trained, what can I do if the word I input not in vocabulary in word2vec
Test it a bit:
model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load('model/' + 'wiki_chinese_word2vec.model')
KeyError("word '%s' not in vocabulary" % word)
Use try
& except
to handle exceptions in Python. try
block executes normally. If any exception or error occurs then except
block will be executed.
c = model['boom']
except KeyError:
print "not in vocabulary"
c = 0
when you say
what can I do if the word I input not in vocabulary in word2vec
I interpret it two ways
1) How to escape this exception: You can use try , catch
2) How to handle this exception: retrain the model with the missing words accommodated again.You have an option to incrementally train the model , with new corpus ,in word2vec, please go through the gensim tutorial in detail.
I presume that "boom" is not available in the corpus that you have passed, hence the trouble