Codemagic IOS build takes a long time to complete

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-08-08 06:01:05


I'm trying to setup my flutter app on Codemagic, but it takes about 40~50 minutes to build for IOS, the logs shows that is compiling files .c and .cc, there are a lot of those files been compiling. Is there a way to make the build faster? Am I missing some configuration?


There are some steps you can take in order to shorten your build time:

  1. As Mikhail said, make sure you don't have -v in your build arguments. Verbose mode can affect build time;
  2. Look over your dependencies and make sure all that you have there is all that you need. Too many useless dependencies can also have a toll on your build time;
  3. Separate testing and building. We have noticed that with tests Build step sometimes tends to also take longer time. Therefore create a separate workflow with testing and use 'run tests only'

Other reasons why building iOS can take such a long time are unfortunately out of our hands, hence Apple making building iOS apps much more complicated than Android and other type of restrictions.

Heres also a nice article about how companies battle the iOS build time:

