在打印预览模式下使用Chrome的Element Inspector?

余生颓废 提交于 2020-07-24 07:37:53


I am working on developing a website and need to work on the print view. 我正在开发一个网站,需要处理打印视图。 Typically when I have layout issues I use Chrome's Element Inspector. 通常,当我遇到布局问题时,我会使用Chrome的Element Inspector。 However this does not exist in print preview mode. 但是,这在打印预览模式下不存在。

Is there a Chrome plugin or some other way to change your viewing medium within chrome itself, to view a page as a printer would? 是否有Chrome插件或其他方式来更改Chrome本身的查看媒体,以打印机的形式查看页面? I suppose it doesn't have a be a Chrome specific solution, but that is my primary browser so it would be nice to have an in-browser solution. 我认为它没有特定于Chrome的解决方案,但这是我的主要浏览器,所以拥有一个浏览器内的解决方案会很不错。

Right now I'm focused just on the print preview medium, but it would be ideal to be able to change to any of the supported media types (ie all/braille/embossed/handheld/print/projection/screen/speech/tty/tv). 现在我只专注于打印预览媒体,但是能够更改为任何支持的媒体类型(即所有/盲文/浮雕/手持/打印/投影/屏幕/语音/ tty /电视)。


参考一: https://stackoom.com/question/e22w/在打印预览模式下使用Chrome的Element-Inspector
参考二: https://oldbug.net/q/e22w/Using-Chrome-s-Element-Inspector-in-Print-Preview-Mode