I'm having a Power BI report which is based on data from Clockify. So far I had to download the detailed report from clockify in order to be able to see up to date data in Power BI. I would like to get rid of this manual step and directly connect to the data stored in Clockify using the API.
I'm currently loading with following M code:
Query1 = let
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://api.clockify.me/api/workspaces/",
messages = Source[messages]
This leads to a Record in Power Query which I can then turn into a table
But when I expand the table, I only get information about my Clockify Workspace but not the recorded hours. I would like to have all information in the detailed report available directly in Power BI. Hope somebody can help. Cheers!
I replicated your query and I don't think that the endpoint you're hitting has the information you want. You'll have to search for it in the API documentation.
Anyways, here is the M code for expanding everything in that endpoint, see if it has something useful:
Query1 =
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://api.clockify.me/api/workspaces/",
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(Source, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"id", "name", "hourlyRate", "memberships", "workspaceSettings"}, {"id", "name", "hourlyRate", "memberships", "workspaceSettings"}),
#"Expanded workspaceSettings" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded Column1", "workspaceSettings", {"timeRoundingInReports", "onlyAdminsSeeBillableRates", "onlyAdminsCreateProject", "onlyAdminsSeeDashboard", "defaultBillableProjects", "isProjectPublicByDefault", "lockTimeEntries", "round", "projectFavorites", "canSeeTimeSheet", "projectPickerSpecialFilter", "forceProjects", "forceTasks", "forceTags", "forceDescription", "onlyAdminsSeeAllTimeEntries", "onlyAdminsSeePublicProjectsEntries", "trackTimeDownToSecond", "projectGroupingLabel", "adminOnlyPages", "automaticLock", "onlyAdminsCreateTag"}, {"timeRoundingInReports", "onlyAdminsSeeBillableRates", "onlyAdminsCreateProject", "onlyAdminsSeeDashboard", "defaultBillableProjects", "isProjectPublicByDefault", "lockTimeEntries", "round", "projectFavorites", "canSeeTimeSheet", "projectPickerSpecialFilter", "forceProjects", "forceTasks", "forceTags", "forceDescription", "onlyAdminsSeeAllTimeEntries", "onlyAdminsSeePublicProjectsEntries", "trackTimeDownToSecond", "projectGroupingLabel", "adminOnlyPages", "automaticLock", "onlyAdminsCreateTag"}),
#"Expanded memberships" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Expanded workspaceSettings", "memberships"),
#"Expanded memberships1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded memberships", "memberships", {"userId", "hourlyRate", "targetId", "membershipType", "membershipStatus"}, {"userId", "hourlyRate.1", "targetId", "membershipType", "membershipStatus"}),
#"Expanded hourlyRate" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded memberships1", "hourlyRate", {"amount", "currency"}, {"amount", "currency"}),
#"Expanded round" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded hourlyRate", "round", {"round", "minutes"}, {"round.1", "minutes"}),
#"Expanded adminOnlyPages" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Expanded round", "adminOnlyPages")
#"Expanded adminOnlyPages"
If you are not using Postman and Fiddler, I recommend it for testing the endpoints and check the responses.