I'm trying to create an external table in Redshift from a csv that has quote escaped quotes in it, as documented in rfc4180:
If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with another double quote.
For example: "aaa","b""bb","ccc"
I get no errors but the final table has a null
value where my string should be.
Is there a way to tell Redshift to understand this csv format when creating an external table?
I do not want to change the formatting of the csv file.
Example csv:
"some ""text""",some more text,"more, text",and more
Example external table creation:
create external table spectrum.spectrum_test_quote(
a varchar(32),
b varchar(32),
c varchar(32),
d varchar(32)
row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
with serdeproperties (
'separatorChar' = ',',
'quoteChar' = '\"',
'escapeChar' = '\\'
stored as textfile
location 's3://';
Expected results:
- field a: some "text"
- field b: some more text
- field c: more, text
- field d: and more
Actual result:
- field a:
- field b: some more text
- field c: more, text
- field d: and more